Some ways for teens to be internet safe are don't give/post any personal information. Even the smallest thing such as what school you attend or what sports team your on can be enough info for someone to track you down. Secondly don't share your usernames and passwords with anyone. If you do that person can not only access all your personal information but can also send/post something harmful about someone else or even about you. this could get you in a lot of trouble not only from the person it was sent to, but also your parents and the police. Also just because the internet is a large place it doesn't mean that your embarrassing pictures or rude comments will disappear forever. Watch what you post because you may live with it forever. Another way is to be good online. Don't change personalities once you go online. If you wouldn't do something offline, most likely you shouldn't be doing it online either. Lastly be careful when setting up a meeting with one of your online "friends". Police say you should never meet online friends, even though most teens make good online friends. If you do decide to meet an online friend, make sure you meet them in a public space and take an offline friend with you as an extra precaution. 
I already knew before reading the article not to give out personal info but i didn't know that a little thing such as what school you go to or what sports team your on can be enough for someone for someone to track you down. I would like to learn more about ways for people to protect their accounts so people can't hack into them easily.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

